Hog along on a foodie's gastrohogging journey
"People who love to eat are always the best people" - Julia Child
Just another foodie with a big appetite and passion for food. Having an amazing gastronomic journey during my long stay in USA, I had pleasure being exposed to multiple cuisines .Heading back to Hyderabad in 2012, I felt lost and I didn't connect with the city. Alas I found a bonding love - food and I thought should I get more connected? And here is the answer as GastroHogger. This is just my out pour of my gastronomic hogging journey , share my experiences, connect with people. More importantly learn about food - food - food. Now I can vouch that "there is no other love purer than for food" and thats what makes gastrohogger believe in KEEP HOGGIN' ... KEEP BLOGGIN'
I love experimenting with food cuisines and food cultures as I truly believe food connects people more than love and food promotes love and companionship.
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#GastroHogger #LetsHog #HydFoodBlogger #FoodieForLife